Melinda Schmidt & Michelle Van Loon – episode 346
My good friends Melinda Schmidt and Michelle Van Loon make another appearance on the podcast this week. We are conversation partners in life and our conversations spill out, from time to time, on the podcast. Not that long ago we had a text thread that centered on all the big and sad things going on in the world. On the podcast we talk about how to engage with current events without being buried by the emotion of it. We talk about having curiosity and we end with a fun question from Melinda about our “favorite things.” The movie The Sound of Music is something I watch annually and it’s that time of year. Join in our conversation and invite a friend along!
Here is where to find Michelle’s most recent book, Translating Your Past. And here is where you can find the record we mentioned, Stormy Weekend.
Find Michelle Van Loon in the following places:
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