Melinda Schmidt – episode 371
Melinda Schmidt joins me as we continue our conversation about surprising shifts in this season of our lives. We may be quite startled to find that relationships to ourselves, God, and others may be changing. The stability we assumed and even longed for hasn’t been there and we can feel alone, wobbly, and even wonder if something is wrong with us! On the podcast we share some of the supportive voices we are finding in these days of shifting. From Frederick Buechner’s thoughts on authenticity to poetry from Joyce Rupp, to the wise voice of theologian Brian McLaren. We also share some listener emails. If your life is shifting, come join us on the journey!
Frederick Buechner – Listening to Your Life, August 30 entry
Joyce Rupp – Rest Your Dreams on a Little Twig, page 65
Brian McLaren podcast – Learning How to See with Brian McLaren (Season 4, episode 2 with Barbara Brown Taylor, Include and Transcend)
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