Leeana Tankersley – episode 290
I’m really excited to have Leeana Tankersley on the podcast this week. Reason #1. She is an amazing writer and communicator and has a brand new book out titled Hope Anyway. Reason #2. She was so gracious to help me celebrate a significant milestone of Faith Conversations. October 4 marks the 6th anniversary of the podcast. If you’ve been with me that long, then I thank you from the bottom of my heart. And I have a favor to ask. Would you write a review on iTunes? I always forget to ask this and it really matters in the digital world. At least good reviews matter!!! If you are wondering if I celebrated 5 years, I did not. Like everyone I was caught in the malaise of lockdown due to Covid-19 and I didn’t even realize 5 years had gone by. So hence the 6th year celebration!
I hope you follow me on Instagram or Facebook where you’ll see a little celebration for the 6 years of the podcast with my favorite cake! Instagram is my happy place where I post flowers and lawn art and rarely talk “business” or promote anything. Here’s the link.
And here is how you can follow Leeana who is helping us, against all odds, Hope Anyway!
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