Jennifer Degler on Keys to Resolving Conflict
If you’re breathing, there is the possibility of conflict. Dr. Jennifer Degler is a wealth of knowledge when it comes to relationships and on this week’s podcast I talk with her about the essential keys to resolving conflict. Jennifer was a favorite guest on Midday Connection and I’m delighted to say she will be heard regularly on Faith Conversations.
Conflict can erupt with total strangers, certainly, but more often than not, it is those closest to us that know how to press the buttons that lead us toward conflict. If not cared for quickly, disagreeable scenarios can run on for a long time. Just think about the Hatfields and the McCoys. You don’t think your issues will get that bad? If you don’t deal with them in the right way and in a timely way, I’m not so sure.
Dr. Degler points us toward 5 keys to resolving conflict that marriage counselor and researcher John Gottman talks about in his book The Seven Principles for Making Marriage Work.
The Seven Principles for Making Marriage Work
These are transcendent principles that, though Gottman focuses on marriage, work for all relationships. If you are married, I highly recommend the Gottman book as a tool to work through. If you are struggling with conflict, a good first step is to listen to this week’s Faith Conversations podcast with Dr. Jennifer Degler.
Jennifer helps us look at criticism and how we respond to it as well as whether or not we have contempt for our partner. If you find yourself getting defensive in conflict, you’ll need to make sure you don’t fall into a couple of traps called stonewalling or flooding. Want to know what those are all about? Check out our conversation. You can also find great resources for relationships at Dr. Degler’s website,