Healing the Wounded Heart
Dan Allender has always been at the forefront when it comes to healing sexual abuse and talking honestly about it in the context of the Church and Christian community. 25 years ago he wrote The Wounded Heart. You can imagine that much has changed in the last 25 years as it relates to this important and difficult issue. So much so that Dan has recently penned Healing the Wounded Heart.
One of the things that makes Dan such a relevant speaker and writer on this topic, besides his education and expertise in this area, is the fact that Dan is, himself, a survivor of sexual abuse.
One of the things I want to know from someone writing on this topic, especially, is do they really understand–do they really know what they are talking about. Dan Allender does, and he has developed a whole ministry focused on helping people heal from sexual abuse and the trauma that surrounds it.
I hope you will take the time to listen to the podcast as well as forward a link to a friend or family member that you know is struggling deeply because of sexual abuse in their past. Dan Allender is exactly who I want to introduce to such a person.
I’m praying for deep healing to begin as this important topic is raised on this week’s Faith Conversations.