Gregory Boyle SJ & Fabian Debora – episode 335
I’m excited to have Father Gregory Boyle and Fabian Debora on the podcast.
Both are with Homeboy Industries. Father Boyle is the Founder of Homeboy Industries, the largest gang intervention program in the world. He is a wonderful communicator and his books have been New York Times bestsellers. This book, Forgive Everyone Everything is a bit different as artwork accompanies every entry. It’s almost like a devotional. Fabian Debora is the Executive Director of the Homeboy Art Academy. Fabian, a former gang member himself, fully understands his role as both mentor and artist. You’ll hear a bit of the chaos of the Homeboy world in the podcast. These two guest are a delight and I hope you’ll enjoy the conversation!
Also written by Father Greg Boyle and highly recommended:
Tattoos on the Heart and Barking to the Choir
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