Broken Hallelujahs
Beth Slevcove joins me on the podcast this week. She’s written a helpful book titled Broken Hallelujahs, which deals with the grief we experience due to the big and small losses of life. Who hasn’t experienced loss on some level, right?
This has been a season of loss for me. Unexpected loss. Loss of a job, loss of a group of people I used to see everyday in the workplace. And in some ways, loss of an identity. How many conversations have you been a part of that eventually make their way to the question, “So, what do you do?” Until I lost my job, I didn’t see how it resembled other greater losses. Wrong! And, I’m here to say, and Beth echoes this in her book and in the podcast, that loss is loss is loss is loss. There is no rating our loss and grief on a scale of 1 – 10. It feels how it feels to us. We can’t compare our loss to someone else’s. That’s not how it works. That discounts our loss and, really, others as well.
I think we sometimes block our emotions, even sweep losses under the carpet and don’t name them. We think we don’t really have anything to grieve, or that we can somehow skip the sadness. The reality is that eventually it will bubble to the surface. It will slide right out from under the carpet and will sit there staring us in the face until we are willing to engage with it.
I know you’ll appreciate what Beth has to say. I have cried multiple times while reading her book and I’ve underlined a boatload of passages in the book.
Happy listening!