Jessica Leep Fick on Beautiful Feet
I’m a sucker for a good book cover. Jessica Leep Fick’s book crossed my desk and I had to open the book and check out the content!
I loved the old school roller skates on the cover and the idea that beautiful feet could move even more swiftly on wheels. But beyond the cover, I really liked how Jessica talked about women being unleashed to everyday witness. As Jessica says in the book and mentions on the podcast, women are more than just boobs. How can we live into our femininity and be ashamed of it? She alludes to the fact that their needs to be some healing happen in the church for this to truly happen.
One of the books Jessica mentions that really helped her with evangelism wasn’t the Bible or another Christian book. Actually, it was a business book titled, The Confidence Code. One piece of advice that she shared is that we all need to fail fast as opposed to fake it till we make it. The struggle most of us have related to evangelism is this sense of guilt attached to the responsibility. We feel like we have to do this. We have a quota of sharing our faith with X number of people each week. Jessica Leep Fick says we need a shift in our thinking. Evangelism isn’t something we have to do, but something we get to do.
She encourages us to ask the question, “What are you missing out on?” How would you live differently, or share your faith differently if you knew you were missing out on something great?
Find out more about Jessica Leep Fick at and follow her on Twitter @jessicaleepfick.